Update-IV FCPS-II | PGMI Entrance Test – Eligible Applicants , PGMI ENTRANCE TEST, ROLL NUMBER & VENUE Session January 2024

The application forms submitted online for FCPS-II (first fellowship) for session January 2024 are scrutinized by PGMI and after the decision of the Grievances committee, following applicants are declared eligible for PGMI ENTTRANCE Test to be held on 26th November 2023. If your dashboard shows your status as form submitted and eligible but your name is not included in this list or your roll number is not available on ETEA website, please contact PGMI helpline immediately. If your problem is not sorted out through helpline, you are directed to come to PGMI office in person or through representative from 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Saturday, 25th November, 2023. Please be informed that if you are labelled as NOT ELIGIBLE on your dashboard then you will not be entertained. As per Policy those who doesn’t appear in the test are not eligible for any sort of
induction in this session. This test is not for those who applied for 2nd Fellowship. The roll number, time schedule and venue are mentioned on the roll number slip.
Please download it from ETEA website or use the following link

Please read all updates available on website frequently for guideline
