Update-I FCPS-II | Dated 13th May 2023

Here you will find information about Update-I FCPS-II, Dated 13th May 2023.Problems in online submission, scrutiny, the grievances committee meeting, medical board meeting, etc.


The Portal for online application submission for FCPS-II (including 2nd fellowship) is open since the 2nd of May 2023. Till now, 1023 Applicants (997 for the 1st fellowship and 26 for the 2nd fellowship) have submitted the form successfully. Those facing problems in completing the process got solved their problem through the helpline (WhatsApp number 03495616101) without visiting PGMI offices. Moreover, almost every day at 10:00 Am a Daily Zoom meeting is arranged to guide the applicants. The link for the meeting is available on PGMI website and Facebook page.
