Sub-Specialty Induction in Cardio Thoracic Anesthesia

Sub-Specialty Induction in Cardio Thoracic Anesthesia. As per the notification of CPSP Ref # CPSP/Sec/2022/337 Dated: 21st July 2022 on the subject “conversion from 2nd to 1st fellowship of cardio thoracic Anesthesia” it is hereby notified that residents whose 2 years Pre-IMM training in Anesthesia will be completed on 31.12.2022 are eligible to apply in cardio thoracic as a subspecialty.


As per the notification of CPSP Ref # CPSP/Sec/2022/337 Dated: 21st July 2022 on the subject “conversion from 2nd to 1st fellowship of cardio thoracic Anesthesia” it is hereby notified that residents whose 2 years Pre-IMM training in Anesthesia will be completed on 31.12.2022 are eligible to apply in cardio thoracic as a subspeciality. Candidates must be on PGMI payroll. Interested Residents are directed to come to PGMI office at 09:00 am on 23rd Dec 2022. On arrival, please report to Mustafa Kamal PS to Deputy CEO.
