Second Provisional Slot Allocation List for FCPS-II | First Fellowship | Session July 2022

Welcome to PGMI, Second Provisional Slot Allocation List for FCPS-II | First Fellowship | Session July 2022. After excluding the names of applicants who surrendered their allocated slots, the 2nd Provisional Slot allocation is done by software.


After excluding the names of applicants who surrendered their allocated slots, the 2nd Provisional Slot allocation is done by software. Those who got slot allotted in this allocation first time can surrender the slot till 5:00 PM on Sunday 26th JUNE, 2022.

After that Final slot allocation will be made.

Important Note:

  1. Those who got slot allotted in 1st slot allocation and have not surrendered the slot in the given time, If surrender now, will not be considered as Left over and will not be eligible for any sort of slot allocation in this session and in the next session i.e., January 2023.
  2. After this given time, Final slot allocation will be made and after that there will be no time available to surrender the slot. Therefore, those who are not interested in low merit slots but they have opted these low merit slots on preferences portal, can use ‘No interest’ button to exclude themselves from slot allocation process on the portal. If they do not get any slot allotted to them in the Final slot allocation list, they will be considered as Left over.
  3. Left Over applicants: All those who couldn’t get any slot in the process of slot allocation or got the slot but surrendered the slot in given time or excluded themselves from the allocation process by using ‘No Interest’ button, are considered as Leftover applicants. They can opt NOC based induction as per policy, can avail any new slot that is announced in this session and can opt slots fall  vacant due to ‘not join’ or resign before the CPSP portal closure for this session and they are eligible for next session if do not get any slot allotted in this session.

For Detail see Update-VIII and Update IX on website

Important Notice for Dentistry Applicants:

For some technical reason slot allocation for dentistry applicants is not included here. Please be patient and see website for updates and announcements in this regard.