Dentistry Slot Allocation List has been Uploaded for FCPS-II Session July 2022

Welcome to PGMI, Dentistry Slot Allocation List has been Uploaded for FCPS-II Session July 2022. After excluding the names of applicants who surrendered their allocated slots, FINAL SLOT ALLOCATION is done by software.

For all specialties including Dentistry

After excluding the names of applicants who surrendered their allocated slots, FINAL SLOT ALLOCATION is done by software. The Placement orders will be issued and uploaded on PGMI Website on 2nd July, 2022 as per your merit and available stipendiary slots. You can download the placement order and give your arrival in your allotted units and Hospital. The detailed instruction will be given on the Placement order. The arrival time will be 3rd to 8th July and RTMC step-I & II will be till 15th July. After this time, slot will stand cancelled.

Those who have been allotted the slots are not eligible for any other slot allocation in this session and in the next session.

Left Over Applicants:

Those who have not got any slot in the allocation process or got it but surrendered in time, will be considered as leftover. They have three options: i) can opt NOC based induction as per Policy or ii) can opt for any slot vacated by “resigned” or “not joined” or by new accreditation and announced in this session iii) apply in next session after appearing in fresh PGMI Entrance test.

For Detail see Update-VIII and Update IX on website

Important Notice for Dentistry Applicants:

The Slot allocation has been done by the software and uploaded here. You can find dentistry slot exclusively by applying filter in the specialty drop box.

Be aware that there is no more slot surrender option now.